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Sales Agronomist National Tested seeds | Horticulture expert | consultant |

Apr 24, 2021, 6 tweets

Winter is Coming !!!

Fast thread on Frost Management

1 Avoid planting frost sensitive crops
2 physical Barrier
3 Irrigate in the early hours before frost
4 frost cloth, Greenhouse plastic
5 mulch
6 ascertain frost days
7 burn sawdust & light matter at ground level

1 Follow planting periods recommended by experts.. prevention is better than cure , plant winter crops to reduce the risk of frost hit in frost prone areas.. Curcubits are susceptible to frost.. Brassicas are tolerant make the best choice

2 physical barrier , build walls or create bushes to control cold air drainage .. Most common is a thatch grass wind break around frost sensitive crops such as tomatoes , peppers and curcubits ... common Native name Mupanda

3 Irrigate before frost hours.clear skies are associated with frost days follow met updates and stay on top. The idea of using irrigation to help prevent frost is that the water that is sprayed in the fields freezes and releases heat to the air as the liquid water changes to ice

4 Frost cloth usually made of polypropylene or polyester, that can be placed over cold sensitive plants to protect them from low temperatures. You can keep it over your plants day and night because light and water can both get through.

5 Mulching acts as an insulation to protect your plants from the freezing-thawing-freezing-thawing cycle which may damage roots. Mulching protect plants from winter. It keeps roots warmer much longer.

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