The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Apr 25, 2021, 12 tweets

.@RandPaul tells @MariaBartiromo just a couple of months ago @JoeBiden said he was going to be the great unifier and work together and bring bipartisan legislation to the floor.

.@RandPaul says The markets are jittery about capital gains tax going up they’re jittery about raising the corporate income tax.

.@RandPaul tells @MariaBartiromo he still having trouble understanding why all of the hysteria over the Georgia voting bill. Kentucky passed a bill just like it and it was signed by a Democrat.

.@MariaBartiromo and @RandPaul talking about how ridiculous Joe Biden looked online virtual summit wearing a mask and without an American flag in the background.

.@RandPaul tells @MariaBartiromo someone needs to ask Dr. Fauci if they’re studying gain of function in the US.

.@DanielCameronAG tells @MariaBartiromo he doesn’t believe this country is systemically racist. He says this country has worked hard from the beginning to become a more perfect union.

.@DanielCameronAG tells @MariaBartiromo republicans need to show the American people a strong vision and alternative to how this country could look.

.@kyoag tells @MariaBartiromo it’s unfortunate and this type of rhetoric about the Georgia voting bill. They took responsibility like every other state should do and secured their election.

.@kyoag tells @MariaBartiromo Kentucky and Tennessee he is working together because the last Covid relief bill tries to tell states what they can do with their taxes and it’s unacceptable.

.@kyoag tells @MariaBartiromo it’s the jump of attorney generals all across the country to stand up against federal overreach and that’s exactly what they’re doing with this administration.

James Okeeffe tells @MariaBartiromo he’s suing Twitter and they’re failing another lawsuit tomorrow against CNN.

James Okeeffe says everyone should follow him on telegram to download his clips and post them on Twitter.

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