Mello.B33 Profile picture
Born of chaos, a lone wanderer amongst the blind, a lone wolf amongst the sheep, that wishes to devour the shepherd who keeps all in line.

Apr 25, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ Is what we are currently experiencing & facing up against, a long time & planned genocide of the human mind ? Read this old but fascinating article from 1974 & try to draw parallels to the current time & to what has been actually happening slowly ..…

2/ .. for decades in Western societies & where things are going. Consider what they were trying to do & accomplish back then & what they can do now, based on all the advancements in technology, science, engineering & mathematics. Read the article and think about last 16 months ..

3/ .. and swap certain words that are being constantly repeated by the politicians, media & so called experts. Do the same with all anti-pandemic measures, coercion and manipulation tactics & ongoing psychological warfare. It is a near perfect fit & improved one on top of that.

4/ The work on the front of the genocide of the human mind continues, all the right boxes are being checked when you analyze all the narratives that are being pushed & deployed now, from Climate Change agenda to Great Reset. Think beyond idyllic globalization goals which are ..

5/ based on catch phrases & overemphasized ideas of virtue. Reading that old paper only reinforces some of the ideas that i mentioned before. We are in fight for our lives, we are all part of the long ideological war that has been happening for centuries.

6/ Constant campaign of fear, panic, propaganda, censorship & punishing of dissent is direct precursor to a totalitarian rule. New era of behavior modification through psychotechnology & psychosurgery (as per 1974 paper) is upon us, dressed up as a savior to our irrational fears

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