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Apr 26, 2021, 6 tweets

5 amazing tips of CSS you need to know 🎨

🧵 👇🏻

1️⃣ Image reflection

You can create reflection of an image using one CSS property

2️⃣ 3D element

The Perspective property helps you give your elements a 3D look.

3️⃣ Customize first letter

You can customize first letter of a word / paragraph in just a few seconds using CSS only. This will make your content more attractive

4️⃣ Change input caret color

You can change the input caret color using CSSDown pointing backhand index

➸ The caret is typically a thin vertical line that flashes to help the text area more noticeable

5️⃣ Style video subtitle

You can style the subtitles of video on your website using ::cue pseudo-element

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