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CEO DCN. Media strategy, streaming, antitrust, privacy. @wustl, Sporting News, CBS Sports alum. #HoldTheLine #IStandwithEvan #PressFreedom Hear more at @dcnorg

Apr 26, 2021, 7 tweets

So this is a super backstory on Apple’s privacy enhancement rolling out. Importantly, the reporters (@MikeIsaac @jacknicas get the nuance up top in properly framing “tracking” and so does @tim_cook in his response to Facebook CEO Zuckerberg. 1/2 nytimes.com/2021/04/26/tec…

Understanding this distinction is why adtech lobby and Facebook’s hypocrisy claims here are empty. Google search is collecting data when the user intends to interact with it. It’s an antitrust issue of course but it’s different than Facebook’s “tracking.” 2/2

ps and Facebook’s reward for spreading false info in private meetings with ad clients, hiring Definers, attacking Apple, is they get to (once again) be the poster child of surveillance as Apple rolls this out 48 hours prior to Facebook earnings. 🤣

Wow, here is another great report on the Apple changes. This one from @lilyhnewman @WIRED who also nails the nuance in what is impacted here especially the type of data collection being blocked by default without consent. wired.com/story/ios-app-…

OK, adding a few more reports here in this thread. @geoffreyfowler has listened to Facebook and he isn't buying it.
I can't emphasize enough how excited I am at the coverage of Apple's push-out of 14.5. It's nuanced but important, press really nailed it. washingtonpost.com/technology/202…

Here is @FT @MsHannahMurphy @PatrickMcGee_, they also nailed it in their explainer. ft.com/content/9ec206…

I'm going to give a special nod to @WSJ. @JoannaStern did a video explainer a few weeks ago on this topic and then got this exclusive interview with Apple's top exec overseeing it. Super good video, can't recommend more highly to watch it. wsj.com/articles/ios-1…

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