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Apr 26, 2021, 12 tweets

Top tips and tricks I learned from EpicReact complied in the thread below 🎩 πŸͺ„

Thanks @kentcdodds πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Everyone working with React must check this out πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡πŸ»

✨ React Fundamentals ⚑️ πŸ›°

If you are using the key as an index in React you should consider checking this example on how it affects the rendering.

Link to demo - react-fundamentals.netlify.app/isolated/final…

✨ React Hooks Lifecycle

This React flow diagram is all you need to understand while working with hooks written @donavon nicely explained by KCD!

✨ React Hooks

To master React hooks you need to understand the following concept 🎯

βœ… useState
βœ… useEffect
βœ… useRef
βœ… useReducer
βœ… useCallback
βœ… useContext
βœ… useLayoutEffect
βœ… useImperativeHandle
βœ… useDebugValue

@kentcdodds has nicely explained them

✨ React Performance

Lazy loading of components while the user hovers on an element. Wow, how cool is this?🀩

Check the next thread for output 🧡

Output πŸ”₯

✨ React Component Components

Using compound components in React is so amazing, I'm sure there will be many devs out there who have never tried this out.

Check the next thread below for output 🧡

Output πŸ”₯

✨ Perf death by a thousand cuts πŸ”ͺ 🍎

This HOC component is all you need to memorize a specific slice of the state πŸ• so that it re-renders only when the slice of the state it cares about is changed.

✨ React Suspense

Got to learn few things which I never knew
βœ… Concurrent Mode
βœ… Data-Fetching
βœ… Render as You Fetch
βœ… useTransition
βœ… Cache Resources
βœ… Suspense Image
βœ… Custom Hooks
βœ… SuspenseList

Thanks for your time!

PS: There are many more tips and tricks in epicreact.dev

Like/RT to share knowledge πŸ™‚

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