Michael Beschloss Profile picture
PRESIDENTS OF WAR, 9 other books. @NBCNews Presidential Historian. @PBS contributor. Born Chicago. My Threads link is https://t.co/9r7VWCiF7W

Apr 26, 2021, 7 tweets

American paratrooper drinks Hitler’s cognac on patio of his Alpine retreat at Berchtesgaden, spring 1945: #NARA

In Leipzig, when American soldiers arrive, high-ranking Nazi general has chosen to depart this life next to his beloved photograph of Hitler, this week 1945:

Photographer Lee Miller poses in Hitler's Munich bathtub as Allies are on verge of Victory in Europe, this month 1945: #Getty

In one of his final snapshots, Hitler in Reich Chancellery under Allied bombing, this month 1945:

Private First Class Richard Blust of Michigan arrives in Hitler’s Berlin bunker after its proprietor and Eva Braun kill themselves: #Getty

Thank you to @AskinOb for sharing this photograph of his father, Lt. Stan Askin of 5th Rangers, at conquest of Hitler’s Alpine hideout, 1945:

Allied war correspondents examine blood-stained sofa and rug in Hitler’s bunker after suicide of Hitler and Eva Braun, Berlin, this week 1945: #Vandivert

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