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Apr 27, 2021, 10 tweets

A story is going around that unaccompanied children being given Kamala Harris's book as part of their care packages...surprise it is entirety a bullshit story

It started with these two pictures from a Long Beach Photographer


Notice that both of the pictures are of the same copy just with different cropping. Also there are other books out and none of them are Harris's just that one

The Washington Examiner explained it on 4/24, the book was donated, most likely through the library in Long Beach


But the truth wasn't damning or exciting so of course Fox and friends put out headlines like this

Than everyone's favorite fake news aggregator/racists Breaking911 hops in

No every child will not be issued that book and no tax payer money was involved

a reminder this is who runs Breaking911

Of course the GOP runs with this entirely bullshit story

And surprise not wanting to miss a dunk the usual suspects start to spread it without fact checking from the left

Great job all around and not a twitter fact check in site.


Sure he know's it's bullshit and the top tweet is a dunk and the ya I know this all BS is 4 tweets in

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