Mithun Sarkar Profile picture

Apr 27, 2021, 6 tweets

This is shailesh kumar yadav DM agartala, he misused his power ,he is a IAS officer,he should not pronounce slang languages with public, he cannot touch any public body ,he even cannot order police to beat public, he have no right to insult people,he is mentally ill, #pmoindia

He apologized to the people of agartala, he should be suspended immediately, and teken action by the state government.

Thousands of chairs are holding by uneducated goats,thats why india is backyards then others countries, governments should terminate all this uneducated goats,

This is DM shailesh kumar yadav, who misused his power,still not suspended,and governments are not taking any action on this uneducated DM,he spoiling name of IAS association, he should be suspended immediately as soon as possible ,#pmoindia

This rascal DM shailesh kumar yadav should be suspended immediately and should leave the state,no one wants to see this rascal face in the state tripura,hear a audio clip on my twitter hadle ,he is cheapest ias of India spoiling name of ias #IAS

Have a look, what he had done in West Bengal, the ridiculous ias I have ever seen,in Bengal he was sdpo in tripura he is IAS,wait and see if public gets angry he be bitten, such a shameless person

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