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Apr 28, 2021, 8 tweets


The demand for pork in towns like Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Masvingo, Mutare, Marondera, and
BEITBRIDGE is quite high.Pig farming business in Zimbabwe is a goldmine, and if you are planning to start, then this is the
right time for you.

There are few pig industries across the country, and you will notice that the pig products are quite expensive.

If you happen to venture into this lucrative business, then you are likely to earn huge profits in
the long run.

There is a high demand for pig products both in the local and international markets. As such,
your pig rearing business is likely to give better returns as the marketable weight of the pig can
be attained in the duration of six to eight months.

There are several profits from pig farming in Zimbabwe, I will use the following examples to
assist you in forecasting its profitability as a small scale pig farmer.
Generally, it will take you roughly around 10 to 12 months to realize profits from pig farming
business in ,

Let us assume that you bought two pregnant sows at USD350 each.
A two-months-old piglet generally weighs around twelve kilograms since the average weight
gain is 0.607 kg daily.
Moreover, a sow can give birth to approximately 30 piglets each year.
How can I make a profit?

Well, you can opt to sell the piglets between USD60 to USD100 each depending on size and breed or decide to keep them for the next six or eight months so that they can be sold or bred.

When fed right, pigs can weigh approximately 90 to 120 kilos. When you take them to a
slaughterhouse, a 60kg to 70kg pig will sell at USD240 to USD280.


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