Peter Bonilla Profile picture
9-5 @TheFIREorg, loser on @Jeopardy, runner, Moleskine enthusiast, husband. Cambridge, MA, by way of Philly. Opinions mine, could be yours for the right price.

Apr 28, 2021, 13 tweets

Linfield University is in total meltdown right now, and it sure is something to see. You know what might have helped them? Some fidelity to their free speech and due process guarantees. Tenured professor they did this to. 👇…

Suffice it to say, summoning someone to a meeting in the morning and firing them before dinnertime is not the process of removing a tenured professor for cause at Linfield.…

The stuff of banana republics.…

Statement on the situation at Linfield University from @TheFIREorg’s @adamsteinbaugh, ICYMI. More to come from FIRE.

At least one alum writing @LinfieldUniv out of her will for its summary firing of tenured professor and critic of leadership.…

That latest @Oregonian feature mentions @TheFIREorg’s letter to @LinfieldUniv, and you can read it here:…

In convo w/ @Oregonian, @adamsteinbaugh mentions the last time something like this likely happened in our experience, at Mount St. Mary’s U (in 2016, not 2006). What Linfield should have in mind is it very quickly cost MSMU’s President his job.


Meanwhile, Linfield students/faculty, if you get in trouble for posting these flyers around campus, let @TheFIREorg know! (…) It is safe to say they are not at all above trying to sanction you for this.


Press release from @TheFIREorg on the [gestures wildly] at @LinfieldUniv:…

Linfield University's assault on free speech, academic freedom, due process, tenure, its own reputation gives us, via @tebartl & @jackstripling, one of the wilder ledes you'll ever read in the @chronicle.…

If you've seen my thread on @LinfieldUniv but not @adamsteinbaugh's, do rectify that, starting with his coverage from today:

Also, ICYMI, several hundred faculty and counting have signed on to this open letter calling for Prof @pollackpelzner's reinstatement, and if you're interested in joining them you can do so here:…

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