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First-team Assistant Coach & 'Top Player Developer' @ Røa Football Elite 🇳🇴

Apr 28, 2021, 20 tweets


A Tactical Analysis Case Study of Jesse Marsch's Red Bull Salzburg team.

What can we expect at #RBLeipzig?


"Being aggressive is better than being passive... and that's the way I like to live life"

Despite being more invested in the player roles than actual positions, Jesse Marsch has been noted for his tactical flexibility both pre-game and in-game.

Noted below are some of his favourable set-ups including the notable 'Red Bull 4-2-2-2'

When building the attacks from deeper positions, Marsch's side create triangles and diamonds, creating viable passing options throughout the in-possession phases.

The pivot players rotations are vital in building these attacks👇

Progressing possession quickly and vertically is a big part of March's philosophy, looking to be direct and play into players in more advanced positions as quickly as possible.

'High-risk, high-reward' passes are a common theme whilst in possession.

When retaining possession, Marsch's sides look to overload the ball side for three reasons:

1) Create more passing options
2) Unlock space over the other side of the pitch
3) To engage their counter-press when losing possession

Player rotations:

Pivot player - 'Outside' or 'In-between' CB's.
Wider Midfielders inverting into central areas between opposition Mid and Def lines.
Deeper forward linking the midfield to attack (Resembling more of a 4-2-3-1 shape)

With the wider midfielders inverting more centrally, there is an emphasis on penetrating into and through Zone 14.

Emphasis on attacking vertically as soon as winning the ball back, looking to score within ten seconds of winning the ball back.

Losing the ball can be okay in some situations, especially with players in the vicinity of the opponent with the ball. The counter-press can be initiated to win the ball back as quickly as possible.

Defensive shape still resembles a 4-2-2-2 with an emphasis on engaging the opposition high. Marsch, however sometimes switches to a 4-4-2 Diamond when facing teams who play through their pivot midfielder extensively

Marsch's side operate a high line of engagement, looking to stop the opponents from building their attacks from deep. A common theme amongst Red Bull teams.

Marsch has spoken about it being more the timing of the press than a specific trigger. Distances must be correct to initiate Marsch's high-pressing strategy.

'Ball-orientation' is another big part of Marsch's philosophy, looking to commit players into the area where the opponent has the ball aiming to win the ball back as soon as possible.

Watching Jesse Marsch's Red Bull Salzburg side has been really fun, should he go on to Red Bull Leipzig, I think we will see a lot of his Salzburg side transition into Leipzig!

With thanks to @KeyframeSports and @TacticalPad for the use of their softwares!

RT’s are greatly appreciated, it goes without saying!🙌

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