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Apr 28, 2021, 8 tweets

1. COVID-19 is engulfing India. 360,000+ new cases were reported in the last day, a record-shattering high.

On May 5, @POTUS can help end this horror by sharing our vaccine know-how with the world.

Time is running out. This is a crisis.

2. The crisis has consumed the nation. India's government says 200,000 people have died, but it's likely far worse.

People are dying on hospital steps without oxygen tanks. COVID drugs are selling for 10x their value on the black market.…

3. India's crematoriums are at a breaking point. They've been forced to build makeshift funeral pyres on spare patches of land.

"We start at sunrise and cremations continue past midnight," a priest told @AFP next to smoldering piles of ash.

4. People are scrambling to save their families. Hospitals are overrun, patients turned away.

"There are no beds. What will I do? I can't even take him anywhere else as I have already spent so much money and don't have much left," one man told the BBC.

5. Doctors are taking to social media to plead for oxygen and other critical supplies.

“I need 50 cylinders, we are getting only 10. We have not slept for 4 days looking for oxygen. Please help us.”

6. A generation of Indian children are experiencing irreparable harm during the pandemic.

Even before the second wave began, studies estimated 375 million children there would suffer long-lasting health and economic impacts.…

7. Now, more kids than ever are coming down with COVID-19 themselves.

The mutations of the virus in India are causing them to experience more — and more serious — symptoms.…

8. Next week, at the World Trade Organization, President Biden will make a pivotal decision.

He can either protect the profits of Big Pharma, or help end the pandemic worldwide by allowing nations like India to manufacture their own COVID vaccines.

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