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Apr 29, 2021, 9 tweets

India’s COVID infections cross 18 million.

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What's behind the chronic shortage of oxygen in India's hospitals? We take a closer look ⤵

Turkey set for nationwide lockdown until May 17 to fight surging third wave of COVID infections ahead of Eid holiday

BioNTech expects results by September from trials testing the COVID vaccine it developed with Pfizer on babies as young as six months old

India's COVID-19 crisis is a ‘wake-up call’ for Africa, says AU health chief

Brazil struggles to look for vaccines as India’s crisis slows deliveries

Cuba is racing towards potentially becoming the first country in Latin America to develop its own COVID vaccine.

Two of its five experimental shots have reached final-stage trials

"This will be the summer of New York City."

New York City's mayor says the city aims to ‘fully reopen’ by July 1

Families mourn as Brazil hits 400,000 COVID deaths

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