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Apr 29, 2021, 5 tweets

'We have been out of the house since 2 a.m. There is no oxygen anywhere in Delhi. Finally we reached here. I kept telling them Mummy is serious...' Shruti Saha said, weeping.

Her desperate search for oxygen in Delhi ends in grief 1/5

Saha had spent hours searching for somewhere in New Delhi to refill an oxygen canister when she heard that her frantic efforts had been in vain: Her mother had died of COVID-19 2/5

A ferocious second wave of coronavirus in New Delhi has overwhelmed hospitals and caused a shortage of oxygen, leaving many helpless as they try to treat their sick relatives at home 3/5

As she waited outside a refilling plant in a shabby industrial estate in the capital, Saha began to panic, falling to her knees and begging for the facility to open, but police and security guards told her to wait 4/5

Delhi is reporting one COVID-19 death in under four minutes for the past several days. Because hospitals have no space, families are trying to treat patients at home, strapped to oxygen cylinders via @adnanabidi 5/5

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