Ethan Brooks Profile picture
I help run a multi-million dollar newsletter and show you how to do the same.

Apr 30, 2021, 11 tweets

Have you heard of the Inverted Pyramid?

Once you know it, you'll see it everywhere.

It's a framework you can use to make ads in your newsletter better.

Better Ads >> More Clicks >> More 💰

Here's how it works...🧵

Marketers have a term: AIDA

It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

Great ads:
1️⃣ Grab readers attention
2️⃣ Transform their attention/interest into desire
3️⃣ Prompt them to act

The inverted pyramid helps you structure your ad to do this well.

You do this with:

👀 Eye-catching headlines
📈 Easily readable body copy
🚀 Great use of links and calls to action

Let's use this old example from The Hustle to talk through each...

(I guess you're welcome eToro)...

👀 Eye-catching headlines

Headlines need to make your point quickly, and focus on what's in it for the reader.

Remember, they don't want your product... They want the result your product can give them.

P.S. Literally everyone likes making money.

📈 Easily readable body copy

Notice a few things about the styling of these paragraphs:
1️⃣ Very short (just 1-3 lines of text)
2️⃣ Strategic bolding
3️⃣ Strategic bulleting

These make it easy to scan, get value, and keep the eye moving down.

Remember... Lots of people read on mobile.

Don't hit them with a wall of text.

For more on making emails skimmable, check out @HatchKolby's epic thread...

🚀 Great use of links and calls to action

@BobbyDurben wrote thousands of ads for The Hustle, and told me 2 things:

1️⃣ Don't be scared to link 3-5 times
2️⃣ Make the call to action interesting

Now that you know it, do you see how it's working here?

How 'bout here?

Newsette is one of my favorite newsletters, and a super successful biz. What's great about this:

1️⃣ Specific numbers show what's in it for reader
2️⃣ Lots of links & unique "Look Amazing" C2A

But you can also see how the wall of text is a little hard to read.

If you want more cool examples to help grow your newsletter business, follow me (@damn_ethan).

We spent 6+ months interviewing operators at Morning Brew, Buzzfeed, Motley Fool, and others.

Emptying my notebook here.

DM if you want me on your podcast. Happy to share more!


1) Your ads should draw the eye from top to bottom
2) Specific numbers in headlines catch attention
3) Use bullets, bolding, and short sentences in copy
4) Link 3-5 times
5) Get creative with your C2A text
6) Always focus on what's in it for your reader.

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