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Hi! AUs on pinned. Mimo au at @nadahyos_ profile.

Apr 30, 2021, 440 tweets

#RYEJI AU / Love Foolish

Yeji meets Ryujin through a viral tweet and they become friends until one day Ryujin suddenly blocks her
What happens when they meet again a year later?

i’ll start this soon!!

- quote don’t reply pls
- time stamps don’t matter
- i’ll update when i can

profiles: #ryujin

profiles: #yeji

profiles: #yuna #chaeryeong #lia

-Lia is Yejis best friend

-Yuna and Chaeryeong are Ryujins best friends

01. the tweet that started it all

02. oomf??

03. hoes mad

04. homophobic

05. yeji checks her timeline

06. yeji follows ryujin

posting updates later today

07. yunas mind

08. ryujin follows her back

09. yeji is gay panicking

10. ryujin has an idea and yeji is still not okay

before we start today’s update i just wanted to let you guys know that updates might be a little short but i will (try) updating every day

11. yeji texts lia

12. a few days later

13. yeji is a simp

14. their priv accs

15. ryujin is dramatic

16. Yeji still a simp nothing new

17. new besties?

18. nicest

19. she loves attention wbk

20. just dm her

21. she’s gonna do it

22. she did it

23. foreshadowing?

24. famous ryujin era

25. pretty girl

26. gay panic

27. yeji nice girl

28. smart

29. thank you yuna

30. is she dreaming

31. if god hates gays why does ryujin keep winning

32. shared feelings

33. not now

34. pretty

35. probably better

36. disgusting

37. ask her number

38. ryujin is a morning person

39. yeji is panicking

40. she got the number

41. ryujin is only human

42. contact pic

43. ethereal

44. is she

45. yeji is not okay

46. y’all saw nothing

47. died and went to heaven

48. pretty

49. failed

50. lia never did anything wrong

51. she dances

52. get your shit together

53. up to you now

54. break her heart

55. hes back

56. are you okay?

57. yeji haven’t checked twt yet

58. yeji wants to help

59. foolish

60. this is for the best

61. ryujin blocked me

62. yeji :(

63. ur the best

64. ryujins side

65. hurts like hell

66. instagram update

67. day 1

68. day 4

69. day 7

70. day 10

71. day 15

72. day 20

73. day 25

74. she’s moving on

75. some change coming

76. wish me luck

77. new hair who this

78. yejis new layout

79. she woke up

80. i’m never sleeping again

81. oh

82. let me know ur okay

83. day 94

84. bestest friend

85. around 3 months later

86. 9 months

87. they got in

88. ur broke

89. updates

90. party

91. bonding

92. ur not even going

93. foreshadowing?

94. practice practice practice

95. party time?

96. text her

97. promise

98. hungry and tired

99. she deserves to know

100. ryujin is here

101. is this real?

102. ill be okay

103. it’s been a while

104. way cooler

105. i’ll meet her soon

106. not rn

107. lowkey weird

108. she’s cool ig

109. she looks familiar

110. fuck fuck fuck

111. the universe hates me

112. it’s up to you

113. i’ll make things right

114. ayo what

115. is something wrong

116. yeji is running in circles

117. still running

118. it’s just normal panicking

119. still as cute

120. friends?

121. just happy to be alive

122. cool cool

123. gay on main

124. everyone is busy

125. i want to cry

126. i hope she’s doing well

127. don’t wanna be annoying

128. practice eat homework sleep classes

129. don’t overthink

130. maybe

131. one more time

132. i feel so bad

133. i don’t think you should worry

134. i’m amazing

135. i’ll need some help

136. operation ryeji

137. let’s hope

138. a clown

139. this is fine

140. i’m not dramatic

141. gentlewoman

142. step 1

143. ur so pretty

144. meeting ryujin

145. normal panicking

146. maybe i should

147. see you friday

148. friday gonna go well

149. feminist women love ryujin

150. shin ryujin

151. it’s yeji

152. it’s fine

153. why do you have that

154. ur an amazing friend

155. fake news

156. pout

157. meeting

158. i’m god

159. helpless gays

160. i’ll let her know

161. enjoy!!

162. thank you card

163. cute

164. hours

165. best 3 hours

166. :)

167. hmm maybe

168. are they

169. chae and lias texts to them

170. texts between them

171. y’all hear something

172. finally get a gf

173. yeah friends

174. just friends

175. we’re friends now

176. ryujin is delusional

177. no winning


179. ignore yeji

180. already flirting

181. we’re not flirting

182. right?

183. fake it till you make it

184. sometimes rich people are okay

185. u called?

186. who added her

187. do it coward

188. a few days later

189. i’ll link you my paypal

190. sometimes

191. only old lady

192. i’m prettier

193. my face did all the work

194. a couple of besties

195. i’m bored

196. let’s see

197. how desperate

198. god

199. pretty cool

200. buy me dinner first

201. shes gay panicking

202. y’all see this?

203. i see

204. it’s not like that

205. finally friday

206. ryujin keep her

207. 🤔🤔

208. enjoy ur date

209. flawless

210. not a date

211. go together

212. why did i say yes

213. everyone is so drunk

214. imma get a drink

215. i need to leave

216. yeji run off

217. where are you

218. im coming

219. okay

220. hope she’s okay

221. thanks

222. i’m glad

223. if you need anything

224. never drinking again

225. i’m okay

226. peak comedy

227. why did u run off

228. how to tell her

229. gtg

230. nailed it

231. you know what

232. embarrassing

233. no names

234. kinda have a crush

235. ignoring

236. take her out

237. get coffee

238. kinda ironic

239. thank you for today

240. very close

241. friendly date

242. denial

243. she is

244. blushing

245. i could never

246. this is fine

247. meanwhile ryujin

248. monday

249. what the fuck

250. next time?

251. take care

252. maybe i can help

253. doesn’t hurt to try

254. i’m a genius myself

255. wait what

256. busy women

257. stay tuned

258. that sounds good

259. she said yes

260. stop being gay

261. mad?

262. might like yeji

263. jealous

264. she can’t be

265. what does that mean

266. i’ll text her soon

267. i can’t ignore now

268. yeji deserves the best

269. can we talk?

270. communication

271. i’ll meet you there

272. i’m so scared

273. two types of people

274. i cant stand you

275. still haven’t processed

276. wait…

277. i need to yell

278. did you mean punch?

279. pretty girl

280. i can only win

281. finally my rights


283. what are you scared of

284. it’s annoying

285. hurting her

286. love you too

287. right?

288. before break

289. i just had an idea

290. better half of my brain

291. i’ll ask

292. ryujinnie

293. hand in marriage

294. this is so good

295. enjoy ur girl

296. non gf

297. delete this

298. gonna find a party

299. flirt in peace

300. mostly just ryujin

301. good luck

302. she looks so good

303. i’ll get her a trophy

304. SHE WON

305. you look really cute

306. have mercy

307. i like her so much

308. party time

309. text me

310. everyone starring

311. twilight

312. i’m not complaining

313. ryujin never left

314. yeji and ryujin glued together

315. am i invisible

316. this is fine

317. she’s very much single

318. did you leave?

319. so nice

320. what happened

321. seems dumb

322. nothing important

323. time to be honest

324. i’m not a baby

325. meet me out in the front

326. stop doubting yourself

327. feels like a dream


329. box full of surprises

330. language

331. happy

332. two types of people

333. slept together

334. the rumors are true

335. have some faith in me

336. i cant stand

337. ryujin???

338. sue you

339. so warm

340. wish i could kiss her

341. got an idea

342. beach trip

343. let’s go to the beach

344. miss the beach

345. not you

346. ocean

347. proud mom

348. prettier

349. maybe they’re cute

350. thank you for today <3

351. miss ryujin

352. gay

353. tell her

354. ur the best

355. crisis

356. dress casual

357. ready

358. i’m so ready

359. hope she likes it

360. in l*ve

361. i’m keeping her

362. <3

363. maybe

364. date

365. happy for you guys

366. so soon

367. they grow up so fast

368. finally


370. u better watch out

371. @ shin ryujin

372. i’ll do it myself

373. wanna go out

374. ;))

375. hi cutie

376. date

377. some people

378. i hate happy couples


380. mostly just yeji

381. an idea

382. will you

383. i’m so sorry


385. all over each other

386. we’re cute

387. come home

388. god why

389. what was i thinking

390. i need to leave

391. are you okay?

392. can’t deal with this

393. wish i was stronger

394. ask someone

395. have you talked to ryujin

396. ur not home

397. she didn’t answer

398. talk to her

399. she deserves to know

400. i love you

401. where are u rn

402. did the right thing

403. hug her

404. what now

405. i’ll talk to them

406. good for me

407. ask yeji

408. too much?

409. happy to help

410. i’m so happy

411. hope this goes well

412. seeing you smile

413. soft on main

414. today’s the day

415. smile a little

416. wish me luck

417. that went…

418. i’m glad

419. how do u feel

420. holding my hand

421. i’m a badass

422. not to be gay

423. i love seeing her happy

424. happiest

425. (yes)

426. we did??

427. my fav

428. if you don’t count my gf

429. our family

430. i love you


Thank you all for reading!! I didn’t expect it to be this long but i’m really happy with it and i hope you enjoyed it too!!
here’s my cc if you want to leave any comments or anything and i will be starting a new au (samo) soon :)

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