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Apr 30, 2021, 13 tweets

This week marks Biden’s first 100 days in office. So what has he achieved? @DavidCharter investigates 🔎…

The record shows that Biden’s had a busy start.

His main focus has been on four domestic priorities: the pandemic, the economy, the environment and racial justice.

The pandemic

Biden’s early goal of 100 million “shots in arms” by 100 days was met on day 59 and the 200 million mark was passed after 92 days.

New daily cases of coronavirus have dropped from an average of nearly 200,000 in the week leading up to his inauguration to about 54,400, a fall of 73% 😷

The proportion of the population to be fully vaccinated, mapped out 💉

The economy

Stock market gains under Biden have been the strongest since FDR. The S&P 500’s rise of 24% since his inauguration beat a surge of 11.4% under Trump in his first 100 days 📈

Racial justice

Biden did not meet his pledge to create a police oversight commission to study reform within 100 days, abandoning the idea last week.

Instead he voiced support for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to end choke holds and “no-knock” police raids, and reduce immunity for officers, which has passed the House.

The climate

Biden kept a pledge to rejoin the Paris agreement on day one and to tackle climate change domestically, setting a target to halve carbon emissions by 2030 at his leaders’ summit last week 🌎

Here’s how Biden’s approval rating compares to a few former presidents:

Read the full report on Biden’s first 100 days, including his response to guns, foreign policy and immigration:…

The Times view of Biden’s first 100 days:

The US president’s $6 trillion splurge is an economic and political gamble. If it pays off, others will want to embrace the new Bidenomics 💵…

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