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CS Rangarajan, Archaka of Chilkur Balaji Devasthanam, arguing for religious freedom & preserving traditional systems

Apr 30, 2021, 13 tweets

Number of devotees of Chilkur Balaji and their families suffering from severe Covid seeking divine help.

We request everyone to chant most powerful Nama


Maximum times apologizing for adharmik SC Judgement and seek divine help

Dear devotees our Deity in His Koorma form has guided that adharmik SC conclusion that Hindu Deities have no fundamental rights has to be corrected to secure protection of Dharma

Chant Om Vashat Karaya Namaha to ensure this guidance followed and secure relief from severe Covid

Chant Om Vashat Karaya Namaha
With devotion of Gajendra
For divine help in this very very tough times

The power of chanting
Om Vashat Karaya Namaha
To secure divine help
Is also a gift of Samudra manthan

Om Vashat Karaya Namaha is seeking help of our inner controller
Creator who designed immunity system which is also used by all scientific vaccines
Let us all chant maximum time seek help of our inner controller to overcome this great covid threat which has brought great suffering

SC has framed 10 Q for Centre on Covid which should be answered

We only ask One Q to SC

Why was Question on fundamental rights of Hindu Deities not added why Chilkur Balaji petition rejected on Feb 10th by SC Nine judge against principles of Dharma ?

Constitutional Morality inclusive of Raja Dharma dictates SC apologize for taking away protection of Dharma crucial for victory over Covid like pandemics.

It can make amends by asking executive to expedite Tiruppan Alwar Ammal Deity Rights notification

We devotees who believe that securing protection of Dharma is crucial for victory over Covid a belief Constitution protects have today lost this fundamental right as noted by Justice Chitambaresh due to adharmik approach of SC and delay in exercising power to correct by executive

The sad part is in moment of great crisis we cannot even go to SC to address delay by executive because the problem that executive has to address is the violation of Dharma by judiciary

We are left with the only alternative of surrendering to our Deity

Om Vashat Karaya Namaha

when adharma wins over Dharma in a Court society suffers validly held belief with scriptural and historic basis we have a fundamental right to ask that adharma be corrected but have lost this fundamental right which Constitution gave us and we are helpless
We can only surrender

Our request to SC hearing Covid issue suo motu is to accept definition that Constitutional Morality is inclusive of Raja Dharma as noted in this historic opinion of Justice Siva Sankara Rao which unfortunately has not moved the Executive to use its powers

Let future generations not commit the same mistake of ignoring Dharma in a court of law let them learn from our Delhi experience which validates thousands year Goddess Kannagi history of how capital city of Madurai burnt due to victory of adharma over Dharma in a Court of law

Let the guidance of our Deity Chilkur Balaji in His Koorma form be etched in stone so that people even after thousands of years never forget the importance of delivering justice as per Dharma esp in matters concerning rights of Hindu Deities

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