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Apr 30, 2021, 11 tweets

🧵 Starting the day Joe Biden took office, photographer @StephenVoss roamed the halls & streets of D.C. to capture the strangeness of life in D.C. at the dawn of a new presidential era.

Here’s what the first 100 days of Biden’s Washington looked like 👉 politi.co/2ShPsBe

Days into Biden’s presidency, the focus in Washington was still on Donald Trump, whom the House had voted to impeach for inciting the Capitol insurrection.

Trump became the first U.S. president to be impeached twice.

While Biden confronted the nation’s Covid crisis from the White House, the pandemic continued to make its mark on the capital, with D.C. cases peaking in mid-January

As the one-month anniversary of the Capitol insurrection approached, Congress remained heavily fortified, and Capitol Police officers mourned some of their own

By Day 18 of Biden’s presidency, Congress found its attention split. While the Senate considered Biden’s Cabinet nominations, it also started Trump’s second impeachment trial.

By mid-February, Washington started to move on. As the city began to reopen, small signs of normalcy appeared, even if the pall of the pandemic hadn’t lifted yet.

By the 50th day of Biden’s presidency, lawmakers were debating his Covid-relief stimulus plan as the city grappled with its own divisions

Spring brought a measure of renewal in Washington. D.C. residents rallied for representation in Congress, the Nationals took the field and cherry blossoms bloomed as vaccinations started en masse.

As Biden approached his 100th day in office, D.C. continued to grapple with loss. But as the verdict was announced in George Floyd’s murder — guilty — many residents finally felt some relief.

On Day 99 Biden delivered his first presidential address to a joint session of Congress. The audience was scaled down to about 200 people, including Sens. Ted Cruz and Joe Manchin, as a Covid precaution.

“America’s adversaries see the Jan. 6 insurrection as “proof that the sun is setting on American democracy,” Biden said in his speech.

“We have to prove them wrong,” he urged, giving, perhaps, a preview of what’s to come. politi.co/2ShPsBe

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