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cryptoshaman // coin chemist // seer of schizo-optimism @yesdotmoney // trickster @ai16zdao // tardquant @ west ham capital

Apr 30, 2021, 17 tweets

Ethereum contains an entire world of pseudonymous characters, obscure memes, mindbending projects, arcane mechanics and epic historical events rich in storytelling potential

Within this seed is an original narrative universe waiting to emerge

💊's Story Mode Alpha starts today

Full post @viamirror -- pills.mirror.xyz/K4o9PkOtOmzaoS…

TL;DR --

PILLS Story Mode is a "narrative wrapper" around Ethereum. A fictional universe co-created by the community, featuring "narrative versions" of the many people, projects and protocols that call Ethereum "home".

Imagine a mix of:

-Cave of Qud’s worldbuilding
-A Miyazaki animated version of Akira
-Competing Quest Masters, designing and running interactive on-chain quests
-Generative character creation
-Major characters owned & run by DAOs
-An economic model that supports contributors

With Story Mode, we want to create a valuable, long-term, community-owned IP with endless narrative potential that can support anyone who helps contribute to it.

The first 2 methods for in-universe community participation are Character Creation & Quests

Character Creation for Major Characters involves voting on a set of competing narrative elements that make up the character's origin story. The elements that receive the most votes become lore, and set the character's faction, allegiances, starting position and more.

The Unigod @haydenzadams is the first major character to go through Character Creation.

All character decisions will take place @ snapshot.org/#/unigod.story…

You'll need 1 unipill to vote on Unigod-related decisions.
EGODETH unipills give you 3 votes.
SYNTH unipills give you 1

Some characters like the Unigod require you to hold a specific pill to participate in their character creation & development.

Other characters will accept any pill you hold.


They're interactive stories run on-chain by a Quest Master and designed to explore and expand a part of the universe.

Some quests are open to anyone. Others have pre-requisites to joining. Participating in a quest can give you rewards, or add you into the lore

Our first prototype quest is called "The Shadowpakt"

The Shadowpakt is a DAO guided by @theshadowpak, seeking to buy & burn @muratpak's cubes for $ASH

Learn more at the quest page:pills.forsale/quests/shadowp…

Or this meta-explainer:

And consider joining us!

We have 2 more quests in active development, and would like to start collaborating with interested community members on more.

Just jump into the #quests channel in our Discord: discord.gg/UaK2RKycBa

Today, the universe is young - we're still laying its foundations. As those foundations grow, you can choose one of its threads - a character, faction, location, artifact, or history - and help develop it

Explore the lore @ storymode.pills.forsale (we're looking for maintainers)

Story Mode Alpha is focused on the infrastructure necessary to support a sustainable, long-term, community-directed creative project:

-Better community support
-v2 contracts
-Developing the Story Mode site
-Expanding the narrative foundation
-Developing the Quest System

And we have open questions we need to explore:

-How do we effectively reward contributors?
-How do we balance creative consistency w/ open contributions?
-How do we preserve attributions?
-What is the best governance model for the project?

"Alpha" is a first step towards our ambitious vision.
There is much we need to discover, develop and work through. Mistakes will be made and problems solved..

Ultimately the success of the project rests upon supporting a committed creative community.


This vast space contains millions of blocks of history with undiscovered pockets of life resting upon ancient mechanisms that keep everything turning. Much remains unknown.

Join our discord and get involved: discord.gg/UaK2RKycBa

And thank you to @gmoneyNFT @justintrimble @steveklbnf @itsamyjung @jondashkyle @Iiterature @simondlr @jessewldn @AxieKing @Flynnjamm @justinbleich & @jstn for writing, conversations or feedback that have contributed this project

and @0xmons !! 😅😅😅

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