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Journalist w/ @TheGrayzoneNews / Writing: https://t.co/y3NxUhLQQm / Co-host: @UsefulIdiotpod. Email: aaronmate@protonmail.com

Apr 30, 2021, 7 tweets

When it comes to their Syria cover-up, OPCW leaders should get their lies straight.

Just one graf from Ahmet Üzümcü, who presided over the Douma cover-up until it was taken over by his successor, current OPCW DG Fernando Arias, has multiple holes & lies. councilonstrategicrisks.org/2021/04/29/the…

Üzümcü claims that the OPCW team in Syria "determined the use of chlorine." He omits a small detail: the actual team found zero evidence of chlorine gas use, but had their findings censored and were then replaced by a "team" that didn't set foot in Syria. thenation.com/article/world/…

Trying to suggest a Syrian cover-up -- rather than the documented cover-up under his watch -- Üzümcü claims that the Douma team deployed "after some delay by the Syrian authorities."

He should consult the OPCW's own final report, which attributes the delay to security concerns:

Speaking of not having the story straight, Üzümcü claims that the final (i.e. fraud) report was "contested by Syria and its partners." He's right. But he should tell that to his successor, Arias, who is now falsely claiming that no one contested it: ()

Üzümcü also cowardly attacks OPCW inspectors who challenged the Douma cover-up. He claims they're part of an "intense campaign of defamation," when they in fact raised their concerns internally and were since the ones targeted by an intense, OPCW-approved defamation campaign.

Üzümcü also declares that the "claims" of the dissenting inspectors "were quite clearly not reflecting the truth."

He says so without specifying a single claim from the inspectors and substantiating why they didn't reflect "the truth."

That's because he's lying.

"I didn’t have any single doubt about the integrity of our FFM team members who were involved in the investigations. Their findings were a result of meticulous work..."

Who is he talking about: the original team that did all of the scientific work, or those who doctored it?

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