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Apr 30, 2021, 10 tweets

The case for California: why stories about the Golden State’s demise are overblown

California, with the world’s fifth-largest economy, has topped the U.S. economy for growth in gross domestic product for each of the past 10 years – including the 2020 pandemic year, when California GDP growth contracted less than in the U.S. overall

While exits from San Francisco in the Q2 through Q4 of 2020 were 31% higher than during the same period in 2019, there was no pronounced change or evidence of a California exodus. More than three-quarters of San Franciscans who moved in 2020 stayed in the state

California’s entrepreneurial culture ensures that it leads all other U.S. states by a wide margin in total number of chief executive officers

From artificial intelligence to software services and tech manufacturing, California is the unquestioned global leader in technological innovation

Hollywood is only the start for the Golden State’s wide-ranging arts and entertainment industry. Entertainment and technology are converging in California to deliver streaming and music-sharing services in groundbreaking ways

California exports more dairy products, fruits and nuts than any other state, and overwhelmingly leads in number of agricultural jobs

California leads even energy hub Texas in total number of jobs related to energy, mining and construction. It also leads in clean tech, with the world’s largest renewable energy power plants and more venture capital investment in green energy than any other state

California is the number-one state for both manufacturing output and manufacturing jobs, with more than 35,000 such companies headquartered in the state. This spans industries from aerospace to electronics and zero-emission vehicles

Here are the hard facts about why the Golden State will continue to reign supreme in technology, entertainment, agriculture and other vital industries:

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