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Apr 30, 2021, 6 tweets

To mark Biden’s first 100 days in office, @Cmkahn, @TrevorNews and @benkellerman_ had a live discussion about public opinion of the president so far. Listen to this thread for highlights.

First off – why use 100 days as a milestone for new presidents? 1/6

Biden had a higher approval rating in his first 100 days than Trump. But how much credit can a new president take so early on? 2/6

The Biden administration plans to tax the rich to pay for trillions of dollars in spending – and Americans are mostly on board 3/6

President Biden has tried to model himself after FDR to remake society with spending, and his 100-day address to Congress was a part of that 4/6

Back in the primary race, Biden didn't always stir up enthusiasm among more progressive Democrats. How do those voters feel about the president now? 5/6

You can find the results of the recent @Reuters/Ipsos poll tracking support of President Biden here: 6/6

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