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May 1, 2021, 6 tweets

EXCLUSIVE: Scientists say India’s government ignored warnings amid coronavirus surge @DevjyotGhoshal and @krishnadas56 1/6

A forum of scientific advisers set up by the government warned Indian officials in early March of a new and more contagious variant of the coronavirus taking hold in the country, five scientists who are part of the forum tell Reuters 2/6

Despite the warning, four of the scientists said India did not try to impose major restrictions to stop the spread, allowing mass religious and political gatherings 3/6

‘I am worried that science was not taken into account to drive policy,’ said one of the scientific advisers 4/6

‘Our science could have been given more significance,’ one adviser told Reuters. 'What we observed in whatever little way, that should have been used better’ 5/6

The office of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and India’s health ministry did not respond to requests for comment 6/6

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