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She served too. USAF Vet AFSC: 4N151 WHMC 59 MDW 59 SOS. Never deployed. Live by my oath, USAF Core Values & The Veteran’s Creed. IGY6 Veteran Advocate. Atheist

May 2, 2021, 6 tweets

Please don't politicize.

Please RT, save the graphics, print them and carry them with you. IGY6

The purpose of ACE is to help service members, Veterans, their families & friends learn that they can take the necessary steps to get help.

2/ The acronym ACE (Ask, Care, Escort)or RACE for the Marine Corps (Recognize , Ask, Care, Escort) summarizes the steps to take an active & valuable role in suicide prevention.

Series of questions that can be used anywhere in the world to prevent suicide.

3/ USA & USCG ACE Cards:

4/ USN & USMC ACE Cards:

5/ USAF & USSF ACE Cards:

6/ EOD, Veteran & spouse ACE Cards:

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