Alex Bozikovic Profile picture
Architecture critic @globeandmail | Author | Instructor @uoftdaniels | Husband to @livmendelsohn and father of two city kids

May 3, 2021, 5 tweets

The First Parliament site is back in the Toronto news, so here’s a thread on be competing plans. 1/

Here’s the latest version that the province has flooded. The site to the north is currently a big box and car dealerships. The First Parliament site is to the south. 2/

The provincial plan (left), shows two buildings with larger footprints. The one to the west would have a library facing the park. City (right), smaller footprints. 3/

City plan is showing a low cultural building to the left, and the possible tower to the east. (Floorplate is unrealistically small, even for residential.) 4/

Unpacking the city urban design @DTAHtoronto: the big move is a large square at the centre to mark the first permanent site. The park to the south is largely the same. (Setbacks to the north are very questionable.) 5/

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