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May 3, 2021, 10 tweets

Bengal Election 2021 Analysis :

TMC was ahead in every Phase.
In last two phases BJP vote share crashed while TMC vote share spiked.

In Kolkata all 16 seats were won by TMC.
That was the extend of whitewash BJP got

TMC swept the Hindi speaking Belt In West Bengal, a region where BJP was expected to perform well.

TMC Hold on to its South and Central Bastion and got most of the Bangladesh border seats

Important stats which covers the West Bengal 2021 elections

Complete meltdown of Congress and Left in favour of TMC/BJP helped TMC to get 48% from previous 44% and BJP to get 38% from 10% in 2016

Almost all the TMC discards which fought on BJP tickets lost to TMC except 3. Rest those who won from BJP were all the old grassroot karyakartas

Contrary to Popular opinion.
in 3 of every 4 seats, the victory margin was greater than 10000 votes in West Bengal

Bigger margins of victory in all 4 states which went for election

High publicity spend by incumbent Government tends to win polls .

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