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May 3, 2021, 13 tweets

yoonmin fake dating + social media AU 📱

wherein tae's just done with jimin's shit and finally sets up his favorite cousin, min yoongi, with his bestie, park jimin, using his big brain 🤩🧠 and everyone else's just along for the ride!

#ymfest_d1 #yoonminau

🏷 tags [nooo i forgot #yoonminfest]
- short fake dating + social media AU
- a dash of crack ✨
- painfully oblivious yoonmin
- mutual pining, just 2 boys in love trying to flirt (?)
- chaotic taekook
- everybody enables kim taehyung
- namjinseok 💞

1. i saw a man so beautiful i started crying?

2. BET

3. jimin: [panic]

4. meanwhile tae is a man on a mission 🥸

5. one man's pain is jungkook's happiness 😃

6. jimin [panicking INTENSIFIES]

7. hey besties

8. jimin is just Tired

9. thank u taehyung aha 🥴

10. another man in panic

11. i think we're ALL simps for kim seokjin

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