Dr. Paula R. Curtis Profile picture
Medievalist. Historian. Premodern Japan. Project Juggler. DH. 🐾 Operations Leader @JPPInfo. Job data: https://t.co/d7SRKJ8Vx0 ☕ https://t.co/eq12HqTH4N

May 4, 2021, 6 tweets

Please enjoy Japanese language versions of these invalid argument explainers! Below: Ad Hominem, Cherry Picking, and Conspiracy Theories.

Here we have Fake Experts, Impossible Expectations, and Logical Fallacy.

Here: Magnified Minority, Moving Goalposts, and Oversimplification.

And finally (for now): Persecuted Victim and Red Herring!

Many thanks to @KuramaSuben, his partner, and @SayakaChatani for their translation assistance! ✨

Reuploading this to fix a slight typo in the original version! 頑張って、everyone.

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