Giridhar Profile picture
ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ Epidemiologist, Physician Scientist, Author, Global Health #COVID19: (He/him) Few RTs are endorsements

May 4, 2021, 11 tweets

India’s reproductive number is 1.32.
Assam: RT >2
Eleven(11) states have RT between 1.5 and 2.

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Highest number of positive cases was reported on 30th April 2021 with 4,020,14 cases, 293 Cases per million. Highest number of deaths was recorded on 1st May 2021 with 3684 deaths reported, 2.6 deaths per million; a test positivity rate of 21% has been reported in India.
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Epi-curve and RT for India
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The drastic fall in RT in the states of UP and Bihar is of academic interest.
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Other states with RT>1 have different shapes of slowing down.
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In the meantime, at the country level
Stabilizing RT
The testing is inadequate
Daily test positivity increasing due to poor testing.

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As on May 1, 2021,
Delhi has the highest cases per million of 1248.46
Delhi has the highest daily deaths per million of 20.39
Sikkim has highest test positivity rate of 32.49%

Kerala has the highest tests per million of 4149.4

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States with worrying epidemiologic indicators with increasing RT but decreasing cases and tests per million.

-Madhya Pradesh
-Uttar Pradesh
-West Bengal

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Other states with decreasing test per million, decreasing cases per million, and increasing RT

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Good news for Maharashtra

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States with better performance: increasing or same test per million , increasing cases per million and flattening or increasing RT
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