Carole Cadwalladr Profile picture
Late adopter. Late giver-upper. Guardian & Observer writer.

May 4, 2021, 7 tweets

Tomorrow, Facebook's pseudo sorry supreme court - aka the Oversight Board - decides whether Trump is given back keys to his Facebook account.

Whichever way this plays, it's a disaster for democratic accountability

Facebook is a dumpster fire right now. What *nearly* happened in Washington on Jan 6 already *has* happened in other countries. Yet, this is a company that fails to EVER take responsibility. Witness Sheryl Sandberg spreading untruths here

It is going to be a CIRCUS tomorrow.

The Oversight Board is right! The Oversight Board is wrong!

These are both BAD takes.

Because the Oversight Board is an absurd proposition. And it should be nowhere near this decision

NEWSFLASH: Facebook is not a country! It’s a private company. It exists to make money.

Trump can tell whatever white supremacist lies he wants but the idea that he has a God-given or even First Amendment right to spread them on Facebook is just pure corporate guff

And the idea that Facebook has to outsource this decision to its Very Clever & Highly Paid Committee is also purest corporate guff.

*Trump repeatedly breached its own terms of service*

How hard can this be?

The only way that this decision is of any importance is *if the press makes it so*

It was dreamed up by Facebook’s PR dept & is overseen by its king of spin, one @nick_clegg.

Who to date has a 💯 % track record in being on the wrong side of history

Anyway, for what it’s worth (NOTHING) & even tho those closest to Oversight Board have been predicting it will let him back on..really?!

Wouldn’t it be equivalent of strapping on suicide vest & blowing itself up? It’s desperate for credibility. And wd lose it instantly & forever

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