Jess Piper Profile picture
Executive Director, Blue Missouri. Writer. Speaker. Former teacher. Rural mom fighting for rural schools. #DirtRoadDemocrat

May 4, 2021, 7 tweets

I’ve lived in rural America most of my life. I’ve been represented by Republicans for two decades now, but here’s the thing: They haven’t delivered. They say they stand with the forgotten folks, when in reality, many stand with their donors. I’m running for office to change that.

This is a picture of my Papa. His name was Jess and I’m named after him. He was a coal miner in Altus, Arkansas and struggled to get by on his pay. I’m running for office in his memory. Fair wages for a job well done.

This is my daddy. He was a conservative and always voted for Rs. He died of a treatable condition because his insurance refused to transfer him to a better hospital with experts in his diagnosis. I’m running for office in his memory. Quality healthcare is a right.

This is my grandma. She was one of 12 kids from Harlan, Kentucky. She was born into unimaginable poverty that she was able to overcome with an education. I’m running for office in her memory. Fully funded public schools for all.

These are my great-grandparents. They were from Branch, Arkansas and owned a small business and farmed. They were FDR Democrats and never forgot how good government can help folks. I run in their honor. Government policies should help everyone—not just the rich.

Finally, these are my children. They’ve know hard times because I haven’t always been able to provide a steady income. I was a mom by 20, but I worked and we made it thanks to services like Medicaid. I run for them. For a better Missouri—one that works for all of us.

I hope to be elected in NWMO in 2022 to move Missouri forward. I will listen. I will act in the best interest of my district. I know I’m a tough sell, as this is a very red district, but I’m willing to fight for the interests of the 1st district. I hope you’ll consider me.

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