K.J. Dijkstra Profile picture

May 4, 2021, 10 tweets

(1/10) Because of the tweet of @ferstl_roman
about Ingeborg Wolfová I wanted to know the fate of all the other children.
Sadly enough it's unbelievably tragic.😢
This picture shows the class of 1940/1941 on Federal Jewish Reform Grammar School in Brno.

(2/10) On this picture are 35 children and 1 teacher.
25 children, 10 boys and 15 girls, and the teacher did not survive. 😢
They were deported to a concentration camp or a ghetto in occupied Poland...

> Anita Adlerova, born 13-03-1929.
Deported 25-05-1942 to Lublin
> Anna Birnbaumová, born 25-03-1929
Dep. 14-07-1942 to Maly Trostinec
> Edmund Blum, born 29-11-1929
Dep. 28-10-1944 to Auschwitz
> Felix Herbert Blum, born 18-10-1929
Dep. 28-10-1944 to Auschwitz

> Kitty Eisingerová, born 12-10-1928
Deported 15-01-1942 to Riga
> Kurt Fischer, born 08-09-1929
Dep. 23-10-1944 to Auschwitz
> Gertruda Goldmannová, born 27-09-1929
Dep. 25-04-1942 to Warsaw
> Bruno Haftel, born 30-05-1929
Dep. 27-04-1942 to Izbica

> Hana Königová, born 07-08-1929
Deported 15-01-1942 to Riga
> Charlota Marie Kulková, born 10-10-1928
Dep. 15-01-1942 to Riga
> Renée Kurzová, born 06-01-1929
Dep. 15-01-1942 to Riga
> Herbert Lahis, born 18-08-1929
Dep. 15-01-1942 to Riga

> Hanuš Vilém Löbenstein, born 24-07-1929
Deported 23-04-1942 to Lublin
> Helena Pollachová, born 02-02-1929
Dep. 25-04-1942 to Warsaw
> Bedřich Rafael, born 11-06-1929
Dep. 27-04-1942 to Izbica
> Adolf Schiller, born 29-01-1929
Dep. 18-04-1942 to Rejowiec

> Renata Schwarzová, born 20-03-1929
Dep. 13-06-1942 to an unknown place
> Věra Sommerová, born 11-06-1929
Dep. 19-10-1944 to Auschwitz
> Gertruda Wasserbergerová, born 28-08-1929
Dep. 18-04-1942 to Rejowiec
> Ingeborg Wolfová, born 03-05-1929
Dep. 18-04-1942 to Rejowiec

> Jindřich Bloch, born 19-05-1929
Deported 26-11-1941 to Minsk
> Margit Goldschmidtová, born 17-11-1929
Dep. 26-11-1941 to Minsk
> Heinz Heutler, born 27-02-1929
Dep. 26-11-1941 to Minsk
> Ilsa Ruth Tauberová, born 12-03-1929
Dep. 26-11-1941 to Minsk

> Zuzana Ungerová, born 22-08-1929
Deported 26-11-1941 to Minsk

And finally their teacher:
> Arnošt Gerad, born 03-04-1916
Deported 27-04-1942 to Izbica

(10/10) To me, photos like these emphasize the magnitude of the Holocaust much more than the number 6 million.

Poor children and all your parents and other relatives, we may and will never ever forget!

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