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May 5, 2021, 10 tweets

THREAD: time for a trip down memory lane about Barr and his refusal to prosecute the former guy for obstruction in light of Judge Jackson (if you’re nasty) ordering the DoJ to release the “memo” Barr said gave him the authority to make the call. 1/…

First, here’s how often I joked about Barr’s “OLC memos” 2/

And that one time I called for Barr’s impeachment. This was the same month I was removed from my job in the federal government. 3/

This is a fun one: here I am positing that Barr shouldn’t have made the obstruction call himself. This was a week before I was fired. 4/

Oooh! And here I am calling Barr out for his lies just like Judge Jackson did yesterday. 5/

This one is big. I conclude Barr lied when he told us obstruction was his call to make. He based that lie on an OLC memo he wouldn’t let us see - the memo Judge Jackson has ordered to be released. Merrick Garland has two weeks to respond 6/

Oh, and never forget that Barr and Mueller had a phone call about the obstruction decision. 🤔 7/

And when asked about that phone call by @SenBlumenthal Barr said there were notes, but refused to hand them over. And he was a snitty Dick about it, too. 8/

Let’s end with this old chestnut. Ahhh, the memories... END

I think @AshaRangappa_ would appreciate this mix tape of tweets.

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