Bill Mulligan 🐝🐝🐝 Profile picture
Cloud Native networking, observability, and security with @ciliumproject, @ebpffoundation, and @isovalent Newsletter

May 5, 2021, 47 tweets

I'm going to try and live tweet the @KubeCon_ keynotes. I may get too embarrassed to continue or I may just fall asleep. Only one way to find out πŸ‘‡

@pritianka kicking it off saying COVID is not just a blip in history and digital transformation is no longer a buzz word

Have our first mention of 5G, AI, and an "intelligent era". Where is @Gartner_inc ?

@bookingcom using Kuberntes to scale down their workloads during the pandemic

The pandemic has not slowed down cloud native contributor growth, maybe even accelerated it

@newrelic talking about open sourcing @pixielabs every is going open source and cloud native now. Not sure what software 2.0 is though πŸ€” maybe I missed that buzzword hitting the main stream?

Shout out to @mritunjay394 who hosted College to Cloud Native earlier this week with me. You can find that video here

side note: I wish I could go back and edit tweets to add alt texts to images to make them more accessible. Will try to add them going forward, but hard to keep up

Cloud Native Avengers are assembling on -- subscribe now

"we are all on different vaccination schedules" You can say that again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ₯²

"Let's build for the ultimate end user, the human experience and make our lives safer, healthier, and happier" What a great closing from @pritianka

@oicheryl on stage and is on her 11th @KubeCon_ 🀯🀯🀯

@oicheryl giving us a challenge to figure out the top end user award. Reminds me of the CTF from Cloud Native Security Day

@1und1 @Apple @CERN @Spotify @verizonmedia and @Fidelity all up for the top end user awards. Four will enter one will win...actually we are all winners in cloud native

shouout to @flatcar_linux from @1und1 Love the German love

of course @ahcorporto from @CERN has the coolest background. Love seeing cloud native support the cutting edge of science

Another shoutout to @ConDaysEU, hope to see the Germans in the audience there in the fall

@Fidelity has donated two projects in the last year. End user driven open source is not just a buzz word from @pritianka

Backstage from @SpotifyEng is adding 6 new contributors a week and has over 200 interested companies. The Cloud Native fly wheel continues turning

@oicheryl showing that it is ok to make mistakes in a live demo and dishing out Kubernetes knowledge at the same time. Congrats to @SpotifyEng for winning the top end user award

@pritianka announcing that the attendee gifts will go toward COVID relief. Email if you want to change your choice. Also almost impossible to get a good picture live so hopefully @pritianka likes this one

5G is coming, get out your tin foil hats @stephenaugustus and @ccaramanolis

@onepeloton uses Kubernetes to run your bikes. Now I wish I could just autoscale my quads

@onepeloton went 3x in scale, from 0% to 100% on Kubernetes, and did it all remote in the pandemic. They also use the same hashtags as @KubeCon_

"Edge computing is central to connected fitness" What isn't it taking over now? Shoutous to @grpcio @EnvoyProxy @kubernetesio Backstage and a few more projects I forgot to write down πŸ˜…

@smarterclayton talking about a Kubernetes without pods or nodes. Eventually, we will finally get to @kelseyhightower's no code…

Getting closer - no databases or CRDs either

A tour of the sandbox with @justincormack , 50 projects in 15 minutes

Rust coming into Cloud Native with Tremor…

@kubevirt allows VMs to run in containers. I wonder how that will work once @smarterclayton gets rid of nodes

Caching frequently used data. If you want to hear more of this project's story come to the Building your Brand with CNCF session. Shameless plug

@tinkerbell_oss was the highlight of GIFEE day yesterday about managing bare metal infrastructure if anyone knows what a server is anymore…

Sorry for all the projects I missed πŸ˜… You can find the rest here…. This might be the last time we can coverage the projects in the sandbox in 15 minutes

@fluxcd started @weaveworks and developed @CloudNativeFdn. Look at that growth πŸš€

GitOps is a buzzword, but there is a lot behind it. Also check out the GitOps Working Group which is one of the sandbox projects I missed…

Software doesn't just allow you to view memes, but can actually tackle real world problems too

TOC with @lizrice coming in to make sure we are still in track to meet all of her predictions. Can't wait to see the updates

SIGs are now TAGs (Technical Advisory Groups). Shoutout to Contributor Strategy and their new website

One graph I've never seen before, which is saying something at this point. Very interesting to see the innovation moving up the stack to runtime and app delivery

Predictions are coming true. DevX is the hottest with 11 projects

GitOps popping up again to help DevX "Developers just want to deploy" from @resouer

Innovation around cloud native is about making things easier - @lizrice

hybrid cloud, multi cloud, public cloud, and now many clouds

Competition enables innovation and collaboration is even better. There is opportunity for all of us in the world of cloud native - @lizrice

Crushing blow. There is no tin foil hat badge. Guess I'll have to find another focus for the conference

But the earth is flat so at least we still have that

That's all for today. Join me again at the same time tomorrow for round two of keynotes...if I am able to wake up at 2:45 again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄

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