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May 5, 2021, 7 tweets

Exhibit 47: #BookGate
The Daily Mail features 5 articles in 24 hours about Meghan writing a book, with front page ad criticising that you "couldn't make it up". Because no members of the Royal family have written books, right?

Exhibit 47: #BookGateContinued
More books by members of the Royal Family. Where was the criticism then?

Exhibit 47: #BookGateOnTheTV part 1.
Lorraine Kelly thinks that Meghan should donate any money obtained from her book to charity.

Exhibit 47: #BookGateOnTheTV part 2.
Lorraine Kelly makes no suggestion that Princess Michael of Kent should donate any money obtained from her book to charity.

Exhibit 47: #EvenMoreBookGate
Karren Brady scathing op-ed suggesting Meghan has no right to trade on the royal family name. Yet elsewhere the press lauds ex-member of the royal family, Sarah Ferguson for writing a romantic novel.

Exhibit 48: #MarxistGate
2018 Spectator, Meghan criticised for supporting gender equality. 2021 Times: Kate is lauded for attending Sarah Everard vigil, which highlighted violence against women. Same Che Guevara image, very different framing.
(See also Exhibit 22 #TooWokeGate).

Exhibit 3B: #MoreBumpGate
Princess Beatrice glamourously cradles her unborn child. Compare the approaches: "baby bump Barbie", "bump takes centre stage", "can't keep her hands off".

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