Nina Brooke Profile picture
Freedom, Justice, Love & Coffee.

May 5, 2021, 26 tweets

Guess who founded the MAFIA!!! Giuseppe Mazzini.

MAFIA stands for Mazzini Autorizza Furti Incendi Avvelenamenti (Italian: Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Fires and Poisonings) 👀by RefTruth

The Freemason Magic number "33".


ALBERT PIKE -FREEMASON...........................................................................................OH AND HE LIVED IN "LITTLEROCK ARKENSAS"!!!

ALL Freemason Symbols!


Still think it's a COINCIDENCE.........................................................................................👀👇👇

We look, but we Don't see................................................................................................

SYMBOLS will be their Downfall!!!


Dark to Light 🙏💕💖

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