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May 5, 2021, 6 tweets

Meet Japan Pom Pom: Originally started with five people 26 years ago after Fumie Takino saw an overseas senior cheer squad in the news, the group now has 17 active members.

Members, all older than 55, must pass auditions 1/6

Pom poms rustle and silver shoes flash as 'Japan Pom Pom' practices, moving to a lively cheer dance beat.

With members ages 60 to 89, they're no ordinary squad.

But don't you dare call them grannies 2/6

Takino, who has three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, with another on the way, practices what she preaches.

She can't believe she'll be 90 next year, but reluctantly confesses she doesn't think she'll still be cheering at 100, though the group wants her to 3/6

The group is featured in government pamphlets about active seniors, appears periodically in TV reports, and performs in popular charity shows 4/6

At a recent weekly practice, resumed after a year off, mask-wearing members checked temperatures before stretching, then moved into their dance routines - socially distanced, of course 5/6

Japan, one of the world's most rapidly aging nations, with almost 30% of its population older than 65, is known for the longevity of its seniors.

But acceptance of the squad took time in a nation with fixed notions about senior life 6/6

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