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Advogado em DH • Doutor em Direito Internacional, @usponline • Coord. Programa de DH, @brazil_office • ex: @OxfamBrasil, @conectas • Pai do Matias • Noveleiro

May 5, 2021, 9 tweets

Ilustrador Willian Santiago morre vítima da Covid-19 aos 30 anos; Santiago venceu o Prêmio Jabuti em 2017…

“Conhecido internacionalmente pelas obras repletas de cores vibrantes e reprodução digital de pinceladas e texturas naturais, Willian ilustrou diversos livros, revistas e campanhas publicitárias”

“Entre as obras estão o livro ganhador do Prêmio Jabuti de 2017, Kidbook, e a capa do romance A Visão das Plantas, da angolana Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida”

Farewell to Willian Santiago, Illustrator of Vibrant Colors and Infinite Talent, via @Domestika…

“We remember the life and work of the Brazilian illustrator and teacher, who died at the age of 30”

“His strong artistic instincts are expressed through the work that he made, characterized by the combination of simple shapes and vibrant, uniquely Brazilian colors.”

“Willian was primarily a digital artist, but he gave his work an artisanal and analog touch by digitizing old papers or mark making with chalk and splashed of ink.”

“Willian’s success never prevented him from remaining humble and generous when it came to sharing his knowledge with other young illustrators, or from giving credit to those artists who influenced his work.”

“Willian always loved drawing, but it was only through the power of the Internet that he was able to establish himself as a professional illustrator and begin to have his work published in France, South Africa, Italy, the United States, and South Korea, among other countries”

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