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A psycho sunbaenim, mostly #BoysLove stuff. https://t.co/FeUo9KVqjj = #โอมนนน #OhmNanon MNL FM, #MSPonStageD1, #LOLFanFest2023 DP: @parkseoham on IG

May 6, 2021, 12 tweets

#NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11 is a big call out to BL fandoms. We as fans should be able to distinguish between reality & showbiz. Actors have private lives, too! And we should not be toxic and meddle with theirs like how we don't want anyone to meddle with ours.

Who doesn't love this? The domesticity! #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

I'm not sure what was going through Aoey's mind when he did this. Should we just assume that he's just really like this? Wanting attention, affection...? So as to be one of the roots of conflicts in this episode? It's unclear. #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

They're so cute being domestic like this! I can't!!! #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

If you have a friend like Hin, who will consider your feelings over his aspirations, then you should never ever let them go and instead treasure them forever. These types of friends are rare. This is very nice character development for Hin! #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

The realism in this episode hits another level. It is wrong for any of them to interfere with the relationship of #SibGene but you can't totally blame the other side as when the series takes a hit on ratings, everyone involved in the production will be affected. #NubsibEP11

I can totally see this happening in one of the conference rooms in various TV networks. They hit many points here so well! #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

I'm sure that this conversation, too, has happened in real life to actors, in a way or another. Makes you realize that with all the fame and glamour that showbiz brings, there's a lot of lying and a hefty price tag attached to it. #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

When you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, what do you do? #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

The situation is a tad too complicated, but if it comes down to it, love prevails but which form is right is debatable. Should it be "me and you against the world" or "I love you enough that I think about your future"? #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

You hated him from the previous episodes, and now you applaud him. Character development! Seriously, this made me bawl my eyes out more than the couple's argument. Don't all queer children want their parents to be supportive like this? 😩😭 #NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

THE MOTHERF- TIMESKIP! Ugh! Poor Gene's life in shambles. 😩😭How will they resolve everything? I hope they tie it together very nicely! #SibGene deserves to be together!!! 🙏💯❤️#NubsibEP11 #LovelyWriterTheSeriesEP11

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