CJ Black Profile picture
A huge nerd, and friendly neighborhood asshole who dreams to craft worlds into our reality. I also part-time as a degenerate sometimes too.

May 7, 2021, 6 tweets

I really despise seeing RWBY fanatics using Monty as a tool to deflect criticism. Saying critics, "insult him" or some shit. Yeah no, criticism isn't directly insultive.

Also, insulting Monty? Tell that to those that turned his last baby into a complete joke & shit-show.


And yes, I'm well aware that Miles & Kerry are just as much RWBY's creators as Monty, but those 2 can still go off & create more...Monty sadly cannot & therefore RWBY is the last remnant of his legacy. It has such incredible potential...but it's in the hands of utter incompetence

And I know many of you will say this is just me being an asshole or targeting Miles & Kerry when other factors & people were involved. Let me say this...

If these 2 are the ones we praise when things go well, why shouldn't they be the ones we admonish when things go to hell?

At the end of the day, they're the ones calling the shots for what goes into the final product, & for the last 5 years they've delivered an objective mess that we just slurp up & most go around acting like it's the second coming of Jesus Christ with no issues or problems at all!

I'm actually kinda happy RWBY isn't all that popular outside of this little niche we've created. Could you imagine RWBY becoming something big or even major?! The fanatics hate us small critics, just imagine the wave of criticism more known personalities will give this shit! 🤣

But, I digress. It's not like anything I say will matter to the masses. I'm not one of the known/top faces of "positivity" this community looks up to. No, I'm just some asshole critiquing a web cartoon that's mainly kept around by the powers of shipping & poor fanservice. 🤣

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