Bill Mulligan 🐝🐝🐝 Profile picture
Cloud Native networking, observability, and security with @ciliumproject, @ebpffoundation, and @isovalent Newsletter

May 7, 2021, 41 tweets

We are less than 5 minutes away from starting the keynotes for the last day of @KubeCon_ Follow this thread to stay up to date πŸ‘‡

@KubeCon_ I even found a conference room in my hotel to make it feel like the real thing. For those that miss this, don't worry it hasn't changed

I would also like to thank my sponsor @rockstarenergy for keeping me awake on day 5 of a three day @kubecon_ πŸ€” I'll be out on vacation next week to catch up on sleep

Still no tin foil hats, but mentions of the Clouderati. The conspiracy continues....

"WASM will be as important and as ubiquitous as the container to the enterprise" - @Hectaman

Each wave on technology provides more decoupling in the stack. the fourth will only extend this more

Love seeing the @LF_Edge continuum. WASM ❀️Edge

Write once, run everywhere. Can we finally achieve this nirvana?

"WASM runs in, around, and on the cloud native ecosystem" - @Hectaman

WASM + Cloud Native = Better Together

Sorry to @ralph_squillace. He is going through the slides to fast for me to keep up. You need to check out this keynote to see all the benefits of WASM. It's awesome!

Love seeing a demo in a keynote. Check out this course from @ColinEberhardt if you want to try WASM out yourself…

@vijoy using Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to explain the value of a mesh. I hope the presentation has 42 slides

A mesh allows developers to discover, consume, connect, and observe

"My ask for the community is to explore the many other types of meshes" - @vijoy

Concerned for @hasheddan. What happened to the hair and beard?

"The promise of the cloud is that we don't have to worry about the underlying hardware"

Physical limitations will create more and more heterogeneous hardware to overcome these limitations

The value of @risc_v is that it provides a modular specification. Sticking to propriety ISA would diminish the value of hardware over the next 50 years.

A lot of work being done to add @risc_v to upstream @CloudNativeFdn projects. Excited to see more of this!

More demos from @carlosedp ! Running @kubernetesio on @risc_v with a splash of @openfaas

Cool to see @t_di_g adding live captions to his talk to increase accessibility !

So many open source projects coming out of @Rancher_Labs and @SUSE

"a few survive and land back in @CloudNativeFdn " Not every project is going to make it, but its the ideas, experimentation, and friends along the way that make it all possible

"We are more committed than ever to "open" open source innovation" - @t_di_g Excited to see what else will be coming out

"whether you are fighting vikings or making @kubernetesio building community is where it is at" - @aevavoom

"@kubernetesio is way larger than many cities" - @MrBobbyTables Crazy stats here

"social groups have scalability limits too" You mean we can't just splash some @kubernetesio autoscaling on people and make it work?

As an @oiioxford grad, I love to see the sociological perspective coming into technology and innovation

@kubernetesio will be adding two more values based on the experiences of the last year

"If you don't believe in our values, open source has a release valve. You can leave." - @aevavoom

"This is a cultural mission and we need to be held accountable" - @MrBobbyTables πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

@aspiringarc talking about how Cloud Native is helping fight COVID

Trying everything to come up with contract tracing solutions

If centralization is bad, can't we just use a blockchain? please just no

We live in a meme driven world, here are the key characters

"We were the first to have an interoperability framework" also the first architecture diagram of the keynotes

Shoutout to @LFPubHealth and the work they are doing to improve health through open source

There is a dog and @stephenaugustus is reaching out to the community!

Chefs kiss for the quality of the keynotes. I πŸ’―agree! Learned so much this morning and thank you to all of the keynote speakers!

That's a wrap for the last day of keynotes. Enjoy the rest of the sessions and don't forget to join the #hallwaytrack and the Daily wrap up on @danpopnyc would love to see you there!

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