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Tweets by Paliparan editor-in-chief Koen. Trains & planes, travel news, reviews, trip reports, ticketing tricks, and personal thoughts on the world. Plus cats.

May 7, 2021, 14 tweets

Bucharest Airport. Time for the next trip! 3 flights, 9 trains (of which 2 overnight) are to come in the following days. Passing through 8 countries in total -- if all goes according to plan that is as I'm testing corona entry/transit rules to the limit. Count me excited!

Frequent OTP flyers will be pleased to hear that e-passport gates are now installed and working for EU citizens! I for one was certainly happy to see this sudden improvement.

The #Embraer 175 which will fly me to Warsaw. These little planes (and LOT Polish Airlines in general) have grown on me in recent years. Comfy, spacious 2-2 seating, great customer service, great network across Europe. Not the most exciting airline, but amazingly reliable!

Views over Bucharest Otopeni Airport and the Ploiesti oil fields and refineries (3rd picture) upon take off.

And a not-so-sunny Warsaw.. let's hope the arrivals process will be smooth!

Long line at EU passport control, not at "all passports", so the old trick of just queuing there instead worked. Time enough for a leisurely stroll through #Warsaw's very empty old town!

And by empty I *really* mean empty. The Rynek is completely abandoned, and that on a Friday afternoon!

Some more Warsaw impressions..

Warsaw Gdanska station. Although a secondary station, it is closer to the old town than Warsaw's central station and it does have convenient metro access.

Restaurants and bars in Poland are closed. The exception? The @_DiningCar on trains. So if you think I get some takeaway food in Warsaw you are pretty much mistaken! The train to Łódź and back it is! Żurek and pork cutlet are as tasty as always.

View from the dining car.

Rainbow over Koluszki station.

Despite a 20 minute delay I made my planned train back to Warsaw with seconds to spare. One fun thing about dining cars is mingling with other people, and this ride back doesn't disappoint talking with a fun Polish guy with thick Irish accent who is a model photographer!

And to end day 1: a very decent airport hotel & another beer. Tomorrow the journey starts for real with my final positioning flight, a scenic and sunny city to explore (if the forecasts are right) + a cool overnight train to get me closer to my final destination of this trip!

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