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May 7, 2021, 13 tweets

Every year, Keukenhof (@visitkeukenhof) opens its doors in Lisse, Netherlands, to show off its world-famous tulip garden. However, due to shutdowns, its doors remained closed in 2020 for the first time in 71 years, costing between 5 and 10 million euros.

Knowing a shutdown was likely again this year, Keukenhof, which roughly translates to "kitchen garden," had to make a choice: Plant everything as usual, or plant a more modest garden. They took the risk, but this year's opening has already been delayed.

To better understand the hard work and effort that goes into getting this garden into shape, let's play some tulip trivia! How many tulip bulbs get planted at Keukenhof?

Spread across 80 acres, over 7 million bulbs are planted in just three months!

How many varieties of tulips are there at Keukenhof?

There are over 800 varieties of tulips at Keukenhof alone, and nearly every tulip flower you see around the world has its origins in the Netherlands.

How many gardeners does it take to plant all the bulbs?

It takes 40 gardeners to plant all the bulbs at Keukenhof. And the planting is done entirely by hand!

How long do the tulips bloom for?

The tulips bloom for eight weeks. The gardeners implement the lasagna method when planting, where they stagger early- and late-blooming bulbs. The late bloomers are planted first and deeper, then comes a second round of bulbs, and on top is the crocuses.

What is a Keukenhof gardener's most-valued tool?

A spade! Each gardener has their own spade, and some have had the same one for decades.

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