πŸš€ Ch Daniel (ThumbnailTest.com) Profile picture
26 y.o. ⚑ Acquired https://t.co/vUVuE89Zw1 and https://t.co/ZhD0orDARh... πŸ’Ό ... After selling https://t.co/tLGgftVL71 🏘️ Also running https://t.co/GDSilCjjDu 🏑 All w/ 20 yo brother @chhddavid

May 7, 2021, 49 tweets

Here are 44 things founders do on their websites

And what you can "steal" from them

(With practical examples)


πŸš€ Bootstrappers
πŸš€ Micro-SaaS founders
πŸš€ SaaS founders
πŸš€ Calm companies

Actionable Advice: Embody the branding

Why: You'll be memorable. People understand (and keep in mind) what you stand for

Who: @llamalifeco

Founder: @threehourcoffee

Example: @KennethCassel put it best here:

Actionable advice: Embody the branding, v2

just to show that it doesn't have to be only about CSS

Why: Champion what you stand for. People will rally behind your belief, if they share it

Who: @gumroad

Founder: @shl


Actionable advice: Use some number of customers/users/etc to show social proof

Why: It adds urgency, and reinforces people's need to do something 'someone else had made before'

Who: @NomadList

Founder: @levelsio


Actionable advice: Set up a waitlist. Create hype

Why: People want what's scarce β€” we know that. The real value is in this: you'll have a stronger connection with those you give a preview

Who: @sayfloat

Founder: @heyblake, @wenquai


Actionable advice: Different audiences? Make a 'tab selector'

Why: It helps people 'self-identify' based on their need

Who: @waitlistapi

(which btw is used by the aforementioned @sayfloat πŸ‘€)

Founder: @banisgh


Actionable advice: Be an open startup. Share as much as you're comfortable (and a bit more)

Why: You'll build trust. People will join the journey

Who: @growsurf

Founder: @kevinyun


Actionable advice: Be an open startup β€” example 2

Why: You'll build trust. People will join the journey

Who: @bannerbearHQ

Founder: @yongfook


Actionable advice: Add a public demo. Show your face

Why: Big companies move slower - you can move fast, they can't do that. That's your advantage. A public demo builds trust and starts a connection

Who: permanent.link

Founder: @arvidkahl


Actionable advice: Use before-after clear comparisons

Why: You remind people of the 'pain' β†’ the need becomes clearer

Who: @potion_so

Founder: @noahwbragg


Actionable advice: Have some fun

Why: If it's funny, people will associate a positive feeling with u

(Not on their website, I know, but still worth pointing out)

Who: @veedstudio is cheeky about the clunkiness of Premiere Pro

Founder: @sab8a and Tim Mamedov


Actionable advice: Embed social proof from logos people know

Why: Social proof doesn't have to be only people's quotes

Who: @shoutoutso_

Founder: @5harath


Actionable advice: If possible, have a LIVE, working demo in the 'hero'

Why: It costs nothing to try. It costs you a few minutes to sign up and THEN try

Who: @copy_ai

Founder: @PaulYacoubian and @chris__lu


Actionable advice: Simple step-by-step

Why: It's gotta be very easy to follow this. Less is more.

Who: @priceunlockapp

Founder: @chddaniel (hi πŸ‘‹, that's me)


Actionable advice: Have the closest thing to a real, instant demo

Why: It costs nothing to try. It costs you a few minutes to sign up and THEN try

Who: @mailbrew

Founder: @linuz90 and @frankdilo


Actionable advice: Name the audiences that can use your product

Why: People self-identify, they learn that it's 'for them'

If I know something is made for me, I'll assume a lot of good things

Who: @lunchmoney_app

Founder: @lunchbag


Actionable advice: Break conventional barriers - use quotes, if they're relevant

Why: Who said you can only use social proof from users? If you're selling a philosophy, you can tap into quotes from public figures

Who: @microacquire

Founder: @agazdecki


Actionable advice: Address REAL objections in FAQs, not just generic questions

Why: Even if the answer doesn't apply to a user, the transparency builds credibility

Who: @inkdrop_app

Founder: @inkdrop_app


Actionable advice: Write a letter for your users

Why: Honestly, why not. The band at the top is such an opportunity to temporarily try something.

Who: @help_wise

Founder: @sharmag88


Actionable advice: Integrate multiple use cases in a simple headline

Why: Too much info can be overwhelming. Keep it simple and that'll keep people reading (and interacting)

Who: @missiveapp

Founder: @plehoux


In fact, I learned and applied that myself for PriceUnlock

Actionable advice: Keep the headline simple

Why: Too much info can be overwhelming. Keep it simple and that'll keep people reading (and interacting)

Who: @priceunlockapp

Founder: @chddaniel


Actionable advice: 'Scratch off' visually the pain point you're solving

Why: A cleaner way to do 'before/after'. People get the problem and the solution

Who: vim.so

Founder: @KennethCassel


Actionable advice: Put some skin in the game

Why: It becomes a "positive freeroll" for people: they either win, or they're back at 0 (not on a loss)

Who: testimonial.to

Founder: @damengchen


Actionable advice: Keep it simple with interactive pricing

Why: Instead of a table or a slider, add interactivity in the pricing card and keep the design cleaner

Who: embed.so

Founder: @damengchen


Actionable advice: Make a slider-calculator

Why: People can calculate the 'ROI' of using your product

Who: @Mailman_HQ

Founder: @mohitmamoria


Actionable advice: Make a slider-calculator (example 2)

Why: People can calculate the 'ROI' of using your product

Who: @karmabot_chat

Founder: @stas_kulesh


Actionable advice: Simplify mockups. Apply your branding style to the mockups

Why: It eliminates the noise of a real-life screenshot, making people focus on what you want to display

Who: @whereby


Actionable advice: Add stats from your product

Why: It's social proof that's been automatically created, as ppl used your product

Who: @PlausibleHQ

Founder: @ukutaht @markosaric


Actionable advice: Use content to make content

Why: You champion those who use what you made. You then build a stronger connection, as others find out *they* can be there

Who: @indiehackers show these on their 'loading' page

Founder: @csallen @ChanningAllen


Actionable advice: Have a CTA with personality

Why: People are getting 'it' faster

Who: roastmylandingpage.com

Founder: @helloitsolly


Actionable advice: Put as little friction as possible between 'I want to start' and 'Started'

Why: It costs nothing to try. It costs you a few minutes to sign up and THEN try

Who: @buymeacoffee

Founder: @jijosunny


Actionable advice: Put as little friction as possible between 'I want to start' and 'Started'

Why: It costs nothing to try. It costs you a few minutes to sign up and THEN try

Who: @tailwindcss

Founder: @adamwathan


Actionable advice: If you're replacing multiple other services, put it like this

Why: Clear, better ROI for the user

Who: @hyperping

Founder: @sinequanonh


Actionable advice: If you're replacing multiple other services, put it like this

Why: Clear, better ROI for the user

Who: @basecamp

Founder: @jasonfried @dhh


Actionable advice: Create a public page/embeddable for your users

Why: Enables a growth loop. Now you're piggybacking the growth of your users, if they use it.

Who: @usefathom

Founder: @jackellis @pjrvs


Intermission. More business moats you can build, like the one earlier β†’ in this thread:

Intermission 2: More GOOD pricing strategies found in this thread:

Actionable advice: Highlight with contrast (Use darker backgrounds on the area where you want to draw attention)

Why: It puts what's important into the best light

Who: @splitbee

Founder: @linstobias @timolins


Actionable advice: Tailor different journeys

Why: It starts the engagement like... right there on the website! Self-identification with the tool they're already using is an easy start

Who: @SimpleAnalytic

Founder: @AdriaanvRossum


Actionable advice: Show what commitment it requires

Why: People will know in an instant whether they can afford the time/money

Who: feedback.fish

Founder: @lauridskern and @mxstbr


Actionable advice: Show what commitment it requires (v2)

Why: People will know in an instant whether they can afford the time/money

Who: roastmylandingpage.com

Founder: @helloitsolly


Actionable advice: Show what commitment it requires (v3)

Why: People will know in an instant whether they can afford the time/money

Who: @priceunlockapp

Founder: @chddaniel


Actionable advice: Publish internal documents

Why: You're creating them anyway, so no extra work really. Now you're publishing some other pieces of content, which build trust β†’ make you memorable

Who: @indiebitespod

Founder: @jmckinven


Actionable advice: Show your community

Why: People like to see faces. But more than that, they like to see groups of faces.

Who: @weekendclubHQ

Founder: @charlierward


Actionable advice: Add urgency

Why: Scarcity + a limited-time offer β†’ People want to get the deal before it's gone (FOMO)

Who: Publiclab.co

Founder: @MeetKevon


Actionable advice: Show how you're challenging the status-quo

Why: People want the 10x better, faster way, but may be reluctant to try something now. However, trying something new is do-able if they KNOW it's 10x

Who: @AdafaceAI

Founder: @deeptivchopra


Actionable advice: Self-identification for countries

Why: Allowing users to self-identify can even be made by country, it doesn't have to be by user type. People recognize themselves β†’ understand it's made for them

Who: @honeycoinapp

Founder: @justvibesncode


Gonna take this moment to ask

Which article I should write next?

A. I make $200,000/year through WordPress' 'add order notes' field

B. How I (23) and my 17 y.o. brother built a $200k/yr business with 0 lines of code

C. What I learned growing my mobile app to 6M users in 4y

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