1/ Some important takeaways from @KFF's latest Vaccine Monitor:
Here's who's most and least enthusiastic about getting vaccinated:
2/ We've made progress with those who want to "wait & see" across multiple demographics including communities of color and conservatives, who were the least vaccine confident at the start.
The % who definitely don't want to get vaccinated has remained stable since January.
3/ Although conservatives, White Evangelicals, and rural Americans are less enthusiastic about getting vaccinated, they're coming around:
4/ Vaccine access remains a major issue for communities of color:
- Will they have to miss work (& wages) due to side effects?
- Will they have to pay out of pocket?
- Can they get vaccinated at a place they trust?
5/ Latinx people aren't sure how/where to get vaccinated and whether they are eligible. Language (and other) barriers remain a challenge.
6/ Many young Americans want to "wait & see."
But they also want to do what their friends are doing.
If you're a teen or 20-something (or really anyone), be a role model! Take that selfie pic/video when you get vaccinated and post it online.
8/ We need to do a much better job of reaching young people of color.
A big chunk are in the "wait & see" camp, which means they're moveable.
9/ Young adults are especially responsive to incentives around travel and large gatherings -- all the fun stuff we do when we're young and free!
10/ Incentives like being free to travel or attend large gatherings (sports, concerts) are appealing to everyone... as are getting paid time off to get vaccinated and more convenient vaccination sites.
11/ We need to do a better job of reaching out to Latinx communities:
- where/when can they get vaccinated?
- are they eligible?
Information and services need to be provided in multiple languages and be culturally appropriate.
12/ The pause on the J&J vaccine may have shaken some people's confidence in the J&J vaccine... but most still remain confident in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
13/ It's important for government institutions and public health officials to show themselves to be trustworthy... not just in the here and now, but for the long-term.
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