Mukhtar Profile picture
CEO of SYM Movement

May 8, 2021, 17 tweets

Thread No 8569644...

I will try my best to explain how it started and and how it's going.

We called out racist Jamie and Judy wrote about him in her blog.

@GatissJudy blog about Jamie 👇🏽…

Kercle read the blog and decided to insert herself (defending Jamie). After attacking Judy for days she decided to mass report her for a tongue and cheek poem about a bigot.

As you can see below someone tried to explain to her.

Enter chat: John West with 17k followers.

He came out of nowhere with all guns blazing. "About how it was unacceptable for Judy to go after Kercle".. remember Judy was just defending herself.

Below is me QRT'ing John.

Tuna refused to read the original blog or any evidence provided to him.

@GatissJudy told him what happened

This is when sh*t escalated.

Kiera and Flipper went on the attack and John followers threatened Judy.

..Obviously they got a mention on her next blog.

This is when Resisting Hate started using banana emojis against Black and Mix raced people

"Anti racist" excused it.

Here we have Resisting Hate member saying "Put them back in chains"

This is when it get darker.

A Black comrade shares experience of racially motivated rape. What did RH do?

They mocked the victim.

More lies from the founder.

Oh yeah. Remember Jamie is always lurking around. 👀 this started with him

Are you still with me?

I was called the N word from the far right because Resisting Hate RT'd me to their enemies.

Other individuals have inserted themselves with wild conspiracies.

Grombags likes contexts.🤦🏾‍♂️

This is the people we are dealing with.

Finally. I'm sure I've missed out bits feel free to tag threads.

Solidarity to my sisters @GatissJudy @feeldalove168 @PSpaggzz @jasinyaprt3 @heysugardumplin @heysugardumplin @DesiBuna @lalleyAa @LeeshxS

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