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May 8, 2021, 16 tweets

Matt DePerno tells Tracy Beanz about the lawsuit in Michigan that no one knew about. They was able to get forensic images.

Matt DePerno says they filed their lawsuit around November 21 and they demanded a full forensic audit for Antrim County.

The Michigan Secretary of State agreed to an audit but when they showed up they change the rules and said they was only going to do a hand recount.

They never did address the 148 ballots that had the same handwriting. They try to say all 148 was spoiled Ballots but when they looked in the box with spoiled ballots there was only about 20.

You can adjudicate Ballots anywhere you have Internet connection.

They sued for any communications between Michigan’s Secretary of State and Antrim County. They didn’t receive an so they think they’ve been communicating on some kind of private line.

In documents they did receive shows dominion wrote the press release for Michigan secretary of state. It appears instead of training county clerks to run the voting machines they spent the money putting out Zucker dropboxes.

Matt DePerno is now suing the county clerk in Antrim County, a subcontractor for dominion, the secretary of states election Director of elections. They knew they was lying when they came out and said this was the safest election in history.

Matt DePerno can now show they can change the vote at the tabulator. The only reason Joe Biden got 80 million votes was because he got President Trump and his votes.

Matt DePerno explains how if you can change votes at the tabulator it Will get through the rest of the system.

A lot of people would like a hand recount but they just don’t have the money to pay for it.

It’s a couple of former NSA guys in Michigan can do this you’re a fool if you think China, Russia, and big political parties aren’t doing this.

He don’t understand how the county clerk is still in this building scheduling the docket for court.

.@mdeperno says how does a person that doesn’t know how to turn on a computer have the knowledge to go in and delete system files.

.@mdeperno says it’s unbelievable that no state senator or congressman has came out and said a word about the video they put out Monday.

I highly recommend everyone to go to Tracy Beanz YouTube and give it a thumbs up and watch this amazing interview with @mdeperno. He goes into great detail about everything that’s happening in Michigan.

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