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Mech Engineer, inventor, CFA investment mgr, PhD Marine Biologist, bike fitter, triathlete, lead guitarist: Irredeemables, dad, PANDA ExCo science coord.

May 9, 2021, 15 tweets

Simple questions:

Has censorship EVER in all of history been practiced by the good guys?

Has censorship EVER NOT been about hiding the inconvenient truth?

Has control and coordination of the media EVER been a good thing for society?

Has stifling of open debate EVER resulted in progress?

But now we are supposed to believe that THIS time these things are all good for us and not the least bit suspicious?

Well, we have a saying in finance. The most dangerous words of all are "this time it's different."

You see, there's a large group of folks who would have you believe that half the world is subject to persuasion by dangerous "misinformation" and therefore, that which the keepers of the words deem misinformation must be squelched.


The truth is they are hiding nonnarrative-compliant material from their mindless cipher followers. They can't have the compliant masses getting any ideas of their own.

Kinda like the CCP controls what its citizens can see on the internet. Just like that in fact.

The danger lies not in the opposition, the free thinkers, the naturally skeptical folk being exposed to the "misinformation".

Hell those folks create it. They inherently understand it.

The danger is that some of the ciphers see it and start waking up.

Because without the ciphers, there is nothing. The free thinkers can be kept at bay with sufficient central controls supported by masses of sycophants.

Because while the ciphers are fully indoctrinated mindless shells, in large numbers they are powerful.

The ciphers must be kept properly and repeatedly marinated in a brew of approved narrative. It must be repeated again and again, ideally with as little outside stimuli as possible. And the ciphers must be prevented from engaging in free exchange of ideas.

Better yet imagine if the population could be kept largely isolated from each other for long periods and fed a diet of carefully controlled messaging.

Just imagine that, if you can...

But of course lockdowns have absolutely nothing to do with that.

Still better, what if the isolated cipher population could be kept fearful by being fed a steady diet of doom? A diet devoid of any challenging views whatsoever. The chances of any of them waking up is thereby further diminished.

Just imagine....

And better still are repeated barrages of new fears. That way the population is already pre-conditioned and primed by the previous bout of panic.

Something like for example; Asymptomatic spread->Long Covid->Myocarditis->Variant1->variant2->impending doom..

This doesn't necessarily need to be a coordinated conspiracy. History is rife with destructive totalitarianism that spontaneously arose from some societal upheaval. Opportunists swarm as the population is primed to imbibe the toxic authoritarian swill.

What can stop this locomotive hurling down the tracks, driven by authoritarian engineers and loaded with ciphers?

Each individual who saves himself, for one.

And a less obvious savior, the weapon of ridicule. The cessation of treating the tyrants with any respect, and thereby stripping them of their precious credibility. For the demagogue himself (and his minions) is almost incapable of humor of any sort...

Or maybe I'm just imagining things right? These could just be lots of coincidences couldn't they?

Remember: it's NEVER different this time.

And another investing maxim: If you look around the poker table and can't spot the patsy, the patsy is you.

HUGE THANKS to @academyofideas - please watch their videos from which many of these images were taken.

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